Psychological Suspense Author
Forensic Handwriting Expert

She's Still Here.
After years of writing nonfiction about handwriting psychology and mystery fiction, I tackled a memoir. This book details my spiritual path after the murder of my daughter, starting with a strict religious background that allowed for no belief in an Afterlife, to the freedom of understanding that there is no death, only life after Earth.
Sheila Lowe


"...suspense, intrigue, action, murder, and a great who-done-it! The storyline was great it kept me interested from beginning till end!"
Netgalley Reviewer, on Poison Pen
"I could taste the dusty Egyptian air! Take an adventure ride with this action packed forensic mystery/suspense novel...She brings you so close that you'll have to wipe the desert sand from your shoes! This is my first Claudia Rose Book and I'm hooked!"
GoodReads reviewer on Dead Letters
"This well researched story had me riveted to my seat...This tale of mystery, intrigue and international crime leads us to all kinds of suspects...I would definitely recommend this and look forward to going back in the series."
GoodReads Reviewer on
Outside the Lines