
Poison Pen
A Claudia Rose Novel
Can handwriting be faked to make murder look like suicide? That is the question facing forensic handwriting expert Claudia Rose. When powerful Hollywood agent Lindsey Alexander is found dead, police are all too willing to believe it’s Lindsey’s handwriting on the scrap of paper they’re calling a suicide note. But not everyone is ready to accept this easy conclusion. See more books in Fiction.

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Growing From the Ashes
What I Learned About Life After Earth From the Murder of My Daughter – A Memoir
After years of writing nonfiction about handwriting psychology and mystery fiction, I tackled a memoir. This book details my spiritual path, starting with a strict religious background that allowed for no belief in an Afterlife, to the freedom of understanding that there is no death, only life after Earth. See more books in Nonfiction.

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Reading between the lines
Decoding Handwriting
What does your handwriting reveal about you? Using hundreds of handwriting samples written by the famous and infamous, handwriting expert Sheila Lowe shows a new way to look at handwriting and personality. See more books in Nonfiction. Or visit Sheila's Author Page at Amazon

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A Claudia Rose Novel
Old friendships turn deadly and the past comes back to haunt Claudia Rose in unexpected ways.
Claudia never intended to confront her past at her 25-year high school class reunion in Edentown, California. However, the reunion takes a chilling turn when she stumbles upon a drowning victim in the high school swimming pool—someone she knew. Was it a tragic accident or something more sinister?