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  • sheila552

Here we go again...

Claudia Rose book #9, MAXIMUM PRESSURE, is in the works!

Last year, at my Anaheim High School class reunion my classmates urged me to write a story that takes place guessed it...a reunion.That was the first step.

The second step came in April. I was invited to moderate the panel at the annual Anaheim Library Mystery Author Luncheon, a fundraiser that supports many terrific programs for kids and young adults. I interviewed three wonderful authors: Rachel Howzell Hall, George Fong, and Dave Putnam. Several of my classmates attended and bid in the live auction on a character name in the book. They won! Winners don't get to choose whether they are a victim, a killer, or simply have a walk-on part--that's the author's job. But their name is in the book. We spent the rest of that hilarious afternoon deciding who I should kill.

On paper, of course.

Step three: I start by finding the title. So, having now come up with one, on to step four--writing the back story, plotting, and preparing to get started. Readers never see most of that back story stuff, but if a book is to have real emotional depth, the author needs a full understanding of what led up the 'inciting event'--the hook that makes you want to read on. (shhh--a little peek behind the curtain: we begin in 16-year-old Claudia Rose's point of view.)

To the left is a preview of a fabulous Scott Montgomery cover. Scott designed my memoir cover, as well as the latest Sisters in Crime/LA anthology Entertainment to Die For.

It used to take me a year to write a book. I write between forgery cases and personality assessments. Then I got it down to 9 months (yes, I get the birthing reference). And then, last February I wrote my memoir, Growing From the Ashes, in 27 days (I'm still astounded)! So, I'm going to apply what I've learned and get MAXIMUM PRESSURE to you by next spring.

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